Big Foodivate Challenge 2021

Big Foodivate Challenge 2021 Winners’ Spotlight Presenting the 1st Place Winners of Alternative Protein Category at Big Idea Ventures Big Foodivate Challenge 2021 – Team Mr Koji! In the hope of decreasing food waste in Singapore and meet the rising demand...

Alt-protein MEAT our expectations?

Singapore is seeing an explosion of plant-based meats and it’s slowly being embraced as it moves from the fringes into the mainstream. With so many alternatives now available, how does one effectively navigate the wide universe of plant based meats? Listen to experts...

Keynote Speaker, Alternative Protein Show

A GLIMPSE OF THE ALTERNATIVE PROTEIN SHOW SINGAPORE 2021 The Alternative Protein & FoodTech Show was held over 3 days in Singapore from 25th to 27th August 2021. It was the first of its kind union of founders, thought leaders, investors, innovators, scientists,...