5 May, 2020,  Hosted by the Centre of Private Equity  and Venture Capital at the  Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, USA

Attendees from 48 countries logged online to participate in the student-organized, three-day virtual summit on agricultural technology (VSAT)—the world’s largest online conference on AgTech.

The 2020 Virtual Summit on AgTech was the largest conference in Tuck history, with over 900 attendees. In the week following the official end of VSAT, over 1,000 attendees had registered, demonstrating the accessibility the conference achieved and interest generated in agtech. VSAT 2020 was planned and took place during the COVID-19 pandemic and many panels discussed the intersection of the pandemic and the way that humans currently consume food.

Watch the panel discussion on: Youtube:

 Panel: Breakthroughs in Proteins:

  1. Dr. Dalal AlGhawas (Program Director, Big Idea Ventures)
  2. Dr. Matthew Zhao (Food Scientist, Big Idea Ventures)
  3. Dr. Zafer Bashi (ACRE Specialist, McKinsey)

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