COP28 UAE created a chasm! And I am still descending and unpacking all that went down (more posts to come 😁 ).

This is my second COP and I was thrilled to be a speaker on COP28’s 1st Food and Agriculture Day.

I was part of the morning session at the DP World pavilion, hosted by Clim-Eat and Bezos Earth Fund: Blazing the INNOV-EAT trail: Unleashing BOLD Innovations in motion – WHAT DOES IT TAKE?

The session was a breath of fresh air, fun and dynamic. With detectives, wizards and bold (I mean bald) surprises. Dr Dhanush Dinesh, Andy Jarvis and Lini Wollenberg moderated all the sessions with flair.

I was joined by Katy Hartley, Laudes Foundation to play “True Confessions from the Dragon’s,” inspired by Jimmy Fallon’s ‘True Confessions’ gameshow. We were presented with three envelopes, each containing one of the bold innovations in agriculture. We assessed the promise and potential implementation steps of:

1) Animal feed that’s curbing methane emissions in ruminants
2) Restorative Cereals with nitrogen fixing properties
3) GMO applications for Carbon Sequestration

Next up Food Futurists: Luke Tay, Cornucopia FutureScapes, Felicitas Röhrig Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Ishmael Sunga, SACAU and Soojin Kim, Climate Works Foundation, discussed what bold innovations mean for our future generations, impacting farmers, consumers, policy and investments.

Thank you Dr Dhanush Dinesh, Ratih Septivita and the entire Clim-Eat for the months of coordinating and bringing us all together.

If this wasn’t special enough, 2 of my countrymen (Dr. Yehya Al-Hadban and Othman Al-Jiran) came all the way to attend my talk.

To all the innovators: Stay ‘Annoyingly Disruptive. Boldly Constructive’ .

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