4th Urban Agri World 2023
September 21 & 22 – Durban, South Africa
SPEAKER 2023: The African continent offers tremendous opportunities for growing innovative startups. The four major startup hubs are Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and Egypt. The increased awareness of the impact of climate change and population growth on the planet’s resources and an openness to move towards a plant-based diet have resulted in increased opportunities for alternative protein startups to emerge within the region.
Dr Dalal AlGhawas, Founder & CEO of SWAPAC, an agrifood consultancy focused on food security, will be presenting “Agrifood Tech Innovation Across the African Continent”. She is a specialist, investing in future food technologies, combining research, commercialization, capital and partnership to support high-growth startups, with technical specialisation in food safety, biotechnology, diagnostics, clinical research and public health. She established the first food technology accelerator in Hong Kong and World’s first Alternative Protein accelerator and has worked with over 100 global technology startups.
Join Dr AlGhawas and other industry stakeholders at UAW2023 in Durban this September. Contact us at +65 6846 2360 or email jose@magenta-global.com.sg to secure your place at the two-day conference.
Dalal AlGhawas