Good Food Institute

Brinc & Good Food Institute launch a Food Startup Manual This extensive guide lays out the steps involved in starting a plant-based or clean meat company in Asia — from securing funding and developing your product to staffing up and expanding distribution. In...

Green Queen

THE APAC ALTERNATIVE PROTEIN INDUSTRY REPORT 2022 The  APAC Alternative Protein Industry Report 2022 – The Future is Asian, published by Green Queen Media, is the much-awaited follow-up report to our award-winning  APAC Alternative Protein Industry Report...

Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce

زيادة الطلب على حليب الإبل ،لأنه صحي و مغذي يعتبر حليب الإبل خياراً ممتاز في السوق ،بسبب انخفاض نسبة اللاكتوز فيه أكثر من حليب الحيوانات الأخرى،وأشارت اختصاصية التغذية إلى هذا المنتج و وصفته بالممتاز. Thais دبي- تنظر شعوب الشرق الأوسط و آسيا...

Women in VC Member

Women in VC, United States The world’s largest global community for women in venture capital to connect, collaborate, and create new opportunities. Original Source

Elevating Founders

ConnecTechAsia, Singapore InnovFest x Elevating Founders Asia is the Official Start-up event of Asia Tech x Singapore.With the aim to nurture start-ups and promote entrepreneurship in the region, it brings together the start-up ecosystem from across Asia and the...