Presented by SGInnovate and General Assembly In support of Deep Tech for Good Here in Singapore, we love our food, and we cannot lie. With many dishes and flavours from all corners of the world, it’s no wonder eating is the (unofficial) Singapore’s favourite pastime. As we continue to enjoy the latest food trends and culinary recipes, it’s essential that we not ignore the growing concern over our food supply. With Singapore currently importing over 90% of our food, we are left vulnerable to supply chain disruptions. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic only highlights this issue further, with supply being affected due to closed borders. Furthermore, with a growing world population, there is even more strain on food production, especially meat. To combat this global food shortage and in the hopes of finding more sustainable ways to address unmet consumer needs, emerging companies are working on what we call “alternative proteins” – plant-based or FoodTetch alternatives to conventional animal meat. In this session, learn how FoodTech will change the way we eat for the better. Take a bite of what our panellists have to share on how the food industry is transforming through embracing alternative proteins. Discover how tech startups are ideating to cater to the evolving preferences of the local consumer through ongoing R&D projects, support from government grants, and collaborations between traditional and emerging players.